
1912 Visitas

Jumeirah 1, Dubai, Emiratos Árabes Unidos

teléfono celular: 056-7480783 0567753447
Horas de Trabajo:

Lunes - Domingo : 24 Horas abierto

Métodos de pago aceptados:

  • Efectivo

Sitio Web: No está disponible.


  • fotografía
  • Foto Empresa Booth
Propietario: No está disponible.


Photo booth

Precio:900 AED

2 hours Photobooth
-props, 50 prints, customized template for the occasion, standard background white/black, all phots will be saved on a disc -add ons: customized background *100AED, additional print *3 aed/piece, additional hour *300 aed

Events Photography

Precio:800 aed

*2 hours photoshoot (birthdays / other events) -all photos in a high resolution on a disc, 2 photographers, additional hour is 300aed 50% deposit upon booking

Balloon Sculptures / Event Decors

Precio:On Quotation

Balloon sculptures and decors according to the theme that you need for your occasion. Call or email for quotations and we will be happy to assist you.

Productos de la tienda

Photo booth
AED 1000.00
AED 900.00
Brand:Photos, Digital Images
Balloon Sculptures / Event Decorations
AED 180.00
AED 160.00
Brand:Any Balloons
Events Photography
AED 900.00
AED 800.00
Brand:Photos, Digital Images
Personal Website/Corporate Photo
AED 300.00
AED 250.00
Brand:Digital Images

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